Decent Small Business Monster Campaign Wins Two Awards

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Last month we launched a state-wide campaign raising up “Small Business Monsters.” You know, all of those frustrations that come with being a small business owner, like mounting paperwork, red tape, and fees and more fees. We submitted the campaign to a couple of well-known advertising awards…and won. 

Of course, we’re super honored to get these awards (kudos to Decent’s savvy marketing team). But the acknowledgments that most warm our hearts are the ones from our clients, fans, and partners.

Like the time a Decent super fan asked us for some Red Tape Worm stickers for her little one who loves seeing our billboard. Of course, we popped a bunch in the mail. Hope you like them!

Or, the time the young boy circled back to our booth because he had to have a Red Tape Worm sticker...on his cheek!

Or the social media comments after showing off some of the other scary monsters: Nickel & Demon, Paperwork Pest, and the rest of the gang.

If you love our campaign, let us know on LinkedIn or send us an email at (There may be some stickers in it for you.)

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