Texas freelancer tips for researching vacation ideas

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Freelancers often have a complicated relationship with vacations. Yes, stepping away from work means the potential for loss of income, but burnout poses the same threat. Many freelancers get caught up in a merry-go-round of excuses for why taking a vacation could end up costing the business too much.

Some of the questions that bury themselves in the minds of freelancers considering a vacation include:

  • What if a client needs something while I’m away?
  • What if I can’t make up the lost revenue
  • What if a new business opportunity comes along and I’m not there to take advantage
  • What if my clients replace me?

While these are all reasonable questions, it’s important to look at the flipside. Burnout and chronic stress can do damage to a freelancer’s career too. Not taking some time away can wreak havoc on mental health and even lead to health problems.

If you’re considering taking a vacation, why not start with some research? Taking the time to consider your options may put some of those irksome questions to rest and can give you perspective on what a vacation can do for your mental health.

Hear from the experts

Not sure where to go? Torn between two or three different destinations? Why not visit some travel bloggers’ websites to help you get clarity? Travel bloggers specialize in, well, traveling and then bringing back the most pertinent, interesting information for people just like you! Do a quick Google search to discover bloggers who have been to your ideal destination(s) and see what their first-hand experience can offer.

Many bloggers also organize information based on budget and interests, which can be helpful. Those traveling on a tight budget can find creative ways to explore a destination without overspending. Those who like to find activities that are a little off the beaten path can learn the best ways to find exciting activities. Just keep in mind that some of this content may be sponsored, so take reviews with a grain of salt and do some follow up research of your own.

Check it on Reddit

Reddit offers an /r/travel forum where people can pose questions and offer answers about different travel destinations. This is a great way to crowdsource information from many different people who have already traveled to the location you are considering. You can start your own thread or search the existing threads to see if someone may have posed a similar question already.

If you are planning to travel internationally, you might consider searching on or posting questions to individual country subreddits like /r/Spain. This enables locals to provide insights and information.

Turn to TripAdvisor

Using TripAdvisor to research a travel destination can yield a ton of information. You can see peer reviews for everything from hotels and attractions to restaurants, tour companies, and activities. This can be especially helpful in planning out different things to try while you area away. Yes, you will come across some overwhelmingly negative and positive reviews. Rather than looking at each review individually, consider the overall ranking from the aggregated reviews to get a more realistic picture. Reading individual reviews can be helpful for garnering more specific information or recommendations about a particular experience, restaurant, or hotel.

Chat with friends and family

Tap your existing network of friends, family, and coworkers to see if you know anyone who has already been to the destination you’re considering. Chatting with someone you know can provide unique insights from a person who has already traveled to a particular locale. It can be a bonus to talk to friends or family who has already been to a destination as they may be able to provide personalized recommendations based on what they know you like and dislike.

Be sure to acknowledge that they are taking the time out of their day to chat with you. You might consider offering to buy them a coffee or tea in exchange for their insights on a particular travel destination.

Engage with different media

Reading magazines, watching documentaries, delving into a novel, or listening to a podcast about your travel destination can all be great ways to get some helpful information about the locale. Which type of media you turn to depends entirely on personal preference. Some people are auditory learners and prefer to check out podcasts, while others are able to more deeply engage via written media. There is no shortage of content on a variety of destinations, so a simple Google search should be enough to get you started.

Researching vacation ideas is a solid first step in getting the much-needed break you deserve. There are plenty of things you can do to prepare your business for your absence to relieve some of the stress around getting away. Bonus tip: if you’re headed somewhere that requires certain vaccinations, Decent health plans cover that! All you need is a referral from your Direct Primary Care doctor and you’re all set! Check out our plans and get your free quote today.

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